Sunday, May 16, 2010

Preview of Lola

Here are a few of the pictures from Lola's 1 yr photo shoot. She is so cute but man, once we gave her that sucker she was a true stinker and kept turning her back to me. I think she thought I would take it away...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This note was delivered to our table the other night...

Good to meet you ____, I just spent $24.73 on quite a bit of average food. BUT, I would LOVE to spend at LEAST that on YOU, next week. OR we could keep it simple and spend $4.53 on some frozen yogurt and a scooter ride :)
Anyway, your smile is perfect and your friends probably are too. Do you think I am cute?
__ yes
__ no
Your cellular: _________

This was not delivered to me fyi...can you guess what town we were in?!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

P90x day 1

Core synergistics...
and I am tired. I hope I can do the whole program, from what I have heard it does amazing things for your body. Actually I REALLY hope I can make it to day 2. I will keep ya'll posted (because I know how much you care about my fitness!)