Monday, March 18, 2013

Cleanse Complete!

Well I survived! Made it 3 days on juice (and a little avocado...which they say is OK!). I was never hungry but I love food so I really missed eating. Food that normally doesn't smell good to me, made my mouth water.
Here is my breakdown: Glow was decent. Easy enough to drink and a refreshing way to start the morning. Fuel is definitely carrot-y but I enjoyed it as well. Purify was my least favorite. I am not a fan of beets and that was all I could taste...yuck! Fiji has a very strong ginger taste. I like ginger so I did not mind, but i also had to sip it slow. Green Supreme tastes awesome after the first 4, I could chug that in seconds if I wasn't so full of liquid all ready. And the Vanilla Cloud (or whatever it is called) is a yummy dessert after all the leafy greeny stuff you drink all day.
I do wish they were more like a smoothie or Odwalla juice with pulp, might make me feel like i was eating, but they really are just juice. Make sure to shake before every sip...the juice separates quick! I lost a few lbs, granted you pee 100 times a day so it could just be water weight, but its a good way to kick off a clean eating habit. Today is my first day off and I am having a smoothie for breakfast (jamba's orange carrot karma) and weight watchers veggie soup for lunch (they recommend easing back into regular food to help your body get use to digesting again.) I didn't really do the clean eating before like the tell you to, so maybe I would've had better results and not such a strong desire to eat.

PS I adore you is having a give away. If you wanna give the Suja Juice cleanse a try but don't wanna fork over the cash

1 comment:

Jon and Melissa said...

Fun to have you back! Maybe one day I will join you again. Great job on the juice thing but more importantly good job getting a Jamba as your first meal back;) Hope you are doing well- you should make a trip to Logan just for fun. We could have a girls night with Grandma. You could stay at my place and we could chat into the wee hours...