Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lake Powell

I went down to Lake Powell for the weekend. There was a huge wakebaording competition and a ton of people. Im still trying to catch up on sleep and get my life back in order. Here is a picture, taken by my amazing friend Matt West, of the houseboat I spent most of my time on.

Yes, that is a helicopter about to land on top of the houseboat! I got to take an amazing ride and see the side of Powell you only see in pictures. I will update this soon with more pictures and stories from the trip


Glenna and Bob said...

Hopefully this will turn out to have been a very important weekend
for you.

Jon and Melissa said...

Wow! Crazy picture! So fun that you got to go to Powell. I haven't been forever. You will have to post some more pictures. By the way I need your address, If you read this soon, will you email it to me? Thanks!