Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Its amazing to me how our bodies and minds work. How we are capable of pushing aside pain and feelings until the proper time. Sometimes completely unaware of what is going on inside our own bodies. Im not saying I didnt know these feelings existed but I am surprised that I am able to surpress my feelings about Hutch. I know I miss him and how heartbreaking it is that he is gone, but until I sit and picture him in my head, I think im ok. The truth is when someone passes away we never forget and honestly I dont think anyone is ever ok. But life does go on and we are some how able to push our feelings aside. They never go away, and it is never made right but slowly we feel less and less. Until you stop and think
Thats my problem.
Im thinking.
It has been 2 years since Hutch passed away and as I let myself think of how much I love and miss him. How much I wish he could spend everyday with his beautiful wife and daughter. It hurts.
Kara- I can only imagine what it is like for you. I admire you so much for your strength and positive attitude.

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