Thursday, February 21, 2013

To blog or not to blog

Blogging has seemed to have lost its excitement. Most blogs have either gone private (which no offense to those that are, but its annoying!), or people (like me) have lost their enthusiasm and never blog. After talking with my friend KC, we decided that we miss it, reading other peoples and writing about our random daily doings and thoughts.
So I have decided to get back on the blogging bandwagon and document my life. I no longer consider my life to be very exciting, and maybe it never was, but I don't really think I have that many followers left, so who really cares if you find me boring or don't think I am as witty as I find myself to be. This Blog is for me, and one day I may want to look back and laugh at all the pointless events I found so thrilling or blog worthy. So here I go...making another attempt at blogging, and hopefully I'll stick with it!

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