Sunday, March 29, 2009

I looked out my window and what did I see

And I am not happy about it!
I miss the days when Spring meant warm sun, flowers, knowing that if I had a sweater or light jacket on I would not be cold. But sadly I havent had that in many years!
It is a cruel trick Utah plays on my mind and my spirit when we have a few nice days, Maybe even some sun tanning temperatures, and then BAM! You wake up and its a total white landscape.
It is beautiful. I have no problem acknowledging that.
But I want a warm sun so I can take the kids for a walk. I want to leave my sliding glass door open and breath the fresh air without it hurting my lungs!!!
I want to say BYE BYE snow!
For now, I stay bundled in my Blankets, with my cat curled against me. And like always I will leave my winter coats out til June when I know it is finally safe to say It is officially summer

1 comment:

Glenna and Bob said...

That is why I left Utah the day after I graduated from college..
hello sunny California!!!
And you my darlin Bears....are a California native. I tried!!