Monday, March 9, 2009

Job hunt

Have you ever gone in for a job interview and gotten the job? of course! Now have you ever had the interview, been told you got the job, then gotten a follow-up call saying "sorry! we filled the position!"
Well that's what happened to me and it has put me in a foul mood. Before I went to Hawaii I had a job interview with Xpose photography. In a follow up interview I told them about Hawaii and they happily told me to go and they would let me know about the job. So a few days before I left for Hawaii, they called and told me I had the job and to enjoy Hawaii. AWESOME! New job plus a vacation right before starting.
They tricked me!
I got a Voicemail the other day giving me what they thought was "good news and bad news", I took it as bad news and just plan news. They apparently filled the position in the one week since they told me I had the job. My joy was shattered! I really wanted this job and I thought I could be good at it. My mom keeps saying there must be something out there better for me, but for now I'm angry and a little sick to my stomach. What am I going to do??? I am scraping by at the moment and now I definitely don't see that improving anytime soon. I really don't think I have ever wanted a job as much as I wanted this one.
Oh and their "good news", They want to discuss the future of my modeling I have to say is hahahahahahahahahaha

Know anyone looking to hire?!?


Jon and Melissa said...

Bummer! That doesn't seem too fair. I hope that your hind sight will be 20/20 in a little while and you will breath a sigh of relief that you didn't get the job. Until then...I hope you find something amazing. It will be fun to see you tomorrow.

Tara said...

Sad! And wrong! Come up here--I will hire you--unfortunately I am not sure what I could pay you (food?) and it probably won't be helpful to you in the long run. You will find a job!